Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why American car companies continue to fail

Read 2 disappointing articles today.

First, Ford makes a 65 MPG car, but "can't bring it to America."  Can't?  Try won't.  If they wanted it to happen (and if enough car buyers demand it) they could do it.  Sad.

Second - Pictures of GM's new Volt hybrid have been leaked.  Wow what an ugly car - and it doesn't even have the "Prius shape" which seems to be necesary in this market.  I don't understand how they expect buyers to purchase this car when, at an estimated $40,000 price tag, it's the 2nd most expensive car in Chevrolet's lineup.  Second only to the $47,000 (base price) Corvette!  I simply don't understand who Lutz thinks is going to buy this car when priced against the existing Prius at $22,000 or the upcoming Honda Insight at $18,500

Good news though - Americans are getting smarter about public transportation.  According to Time.com mass transit usage grew 5.2% in the 2nd quarter of this year.

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