Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stay away from Bank of Omaha.

I purchased a new bike at Scheels in March. I thought I would take advantage of their 6 months no interest financing - read credit card. They use Bank of Omaha as their "branded" credit card and I've had nothing but trouble from them.

In the 3 months I've "had the card" I've had to call them at least 5 times. I still haven't gotten the actual card yet (although I have received invoices) so I can't make payments online. Of course I didn't receive my first invoice until about 5 business days before it was due. They don't do payments over the phone without a $15 "convenience fee." Fortunately a registered letter got there and the payment cleared before the due date.

Now I haven't received THIS months invoice (due in a week) even though I informed them I was moving (which they acknowleged) before the closing date. Of course they sent the card/invoice (yeah, right). I had to fight AGAIN with a CSR to make a payment without the stupid fee. In addition the CSR felt the need to issue me a 3rd card (well, 3 for them). She again asssured me the card would get here in "7-10 business days."

I'm not holding my breath.

The best part about today's call was the fact that the CSR couldn't believe I made a purchase without having the card. I had to CONVINCE her that this was pretty standard for lots of "chain" stores. Hasn't she ever heard of a JCPenny's or Sears card? Jeez.

I swear - my first paycheck will be used to pay this damn credit card off. Then one more call to close the account. I suppose my card will show up about a month after I close the account.

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