Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Of course it's an old cliche. Make the resolution, then after a few weeks (or days) abandon it. Here's mine anyway.

Let me tell you a secret. I don't actually know how to cook. Sure, I talk the talk, but really I am just parroting what I hear on my favorit cooking shows. I mean, I can do the basics - I HAVE kept myself alive for the past few years and I've actually made some good dishes. I'm just a chef-poseur though.

It's time to change that. I'm going to try to start COOKING. I will start by making my meals (usually dinner) from scratch. Basically I want to get to the point that I only have ingredients on my shelves - no pre-made anything. Also I want to cook something "big" at least once a week. Hopefully I can get a few people together once in a while and have a nice meal and chat.

The theory is that I will also start eating healthier, but I'm really looking for "life changing" stuff, so I need to just work on the cooking skills right now.

Another secret? I don't really know how to write code either. I'm going to go through some books and I have some other ideas that I'm working on, but it's the same with cooking. I just need to "do it" more.

It seems there are a lot of parallels in great programming and great cooking. I don't think I will be "great" at either, but I would like to have more than just a passing skill in either area.

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